The Minsters Rail Campaign seeks to link East Yorkshire to the main rail network, giving people the choice of how they travel into and out of the area.
For the aims and history of the campaign, go to the About page.
For updates on the campaign, go to the News page.
For details of How to Help or membership, go to the Get Involved page
If you want to get in touch, go to the Contact page.
Please watch our Presentation: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=414303924881984
Graham Stuart MP has been a long supporter of the campaign and we appreciate all his efforts and thank him. We have managed to build good cross party support and look forward to working with all local and national politicians to help bring this vital link back.
Hull Daily Mail, Hull Live link:
Abandoned Railways from Above - Channel 4:
“The second busiest station in East Yorkshire was Beverley, with 603,634 entries and exits. This was an upward swing from 2022 of 85,606.“ https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/ghost-station-east-yorkshire-visited-8982436
The Minsters Rail Campaign is pleased to be affiliated to Railfuture
Twitter/X. Because of a technical glitch caused by Twitter changing how the links work, some of you will not be able to read tweets directly on the web page. However, if you click on the Twitter link you can read them there. We will fix this problem as soon as we can.